Running multiple instances of xterm
Go to the Attributes menu -> Application Specific and select "No application icon" for XTerm.
Then right-click on the docked appicon and select settings. Change the Application Path with arguments section to:
/bin/sh -c "exec xterm &"
/bin/sh -c "exec gnome-terminal &"
Avec WindowMaker 0.95.4, ça ne semble plus être nécessaire. Il suffit de lancer:
Pour faire capturer un script par le dock
Exemple avec script Kermit
gnome-terminal --geometry=160x53+380+10 --disable-factory --profile=kermit --title="Kermit /dev/ttyS0 115200" --name=kermitTerm -e "kermit ~/serial-115200.kermrc"
Exemple connection SSH
gnome-terminal --disable-factory --name=ssh-hugovil -e "ssh"
Gnome settings
Create the following file if it doesn't exist and change it's permissions:
chmod 755 ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart
Go to the Attributes menu -> Application Specific and select "Start Hidden".
Pour que Emacs lise les valeurs contenues dans ~/.Xdefaults:
$> xrdb ~/.Xdefaults
Pour prendre en compte les valeurs contenues dans ~/.Xresources:
$> xrdb ~/.Xresources
Économiseur d'écran
1. Installer xscreensaver
2. Ajouter une entrée dans ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu:
(Lock, SHORTCUT, "Shift+Delete", EXEC, "xscreensaver-command -lock"),
3. Ajouter une entrée dans ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart:
xscreensaver -no-splash &
Dans le fichier:
Remplacer /usr/local/share/WindowMaker par /usr/share/WindowMaker et redémarrer WindowMaker
Raccourcis clavier
Le menu se trouve dans ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu et a une syntaxe simple ; voici pour exemple :
(Run..., SHORTCUT, F2, EXEC, "%a(Run,Type command to run)"),
(XTerm, SHORTCUT, F3, EXEC, "xterm -sb -sl 2000"),
("Hide All", HIDE_OTHERS),
("Show All", SHOW_ALL),
(Appearance, OPEN_MENU,
("Gaffe!", (Reboot, EXEC, "sudo reboot"), (Halt, EXEC, "sudo halt")),
("xvnc", EXEC, "xterm -e xvncviewer %a(Enter Host)"),
(Lock, SHORTCUT, "Shift+Delete", EXEC, "xscreensaver-command -lock"),
("Exit Window Maker", SHORTCUT, "Control+Shift+Delete", EXIT)
Comment avoir un icone pour une application qu n'en n'a pas
Utile afin de pouvoir "docker" une application qui ne produit pas d'icône.
1. Right click on the title bar
2. Click Attributes
3. Select Advanced Options from the pull down menu
4. Select Emulate Application Icon
5. Click Save
Configuration du clavier
Sous Debian, les changements dans /etc/default/keyboard ne sont pas pris en compte dans WindowMaker:
IBus can also sometimes override settings from /etc/default/keyboard. The keyboard setup dialog in GNOME 3 will modify IBus's configuration directly, but for users of other X environments, you can use the ibus-setup command to modify the settings for IBus. To force it to defer to the settings from /etc/default/keyboard, run ibus-setup, go to the Advanced tab, and check Use system keyboard layout.
Comment redimensionner une fenêtre
David Reviejo <> best summed up this answer:
"Maybe you know: Alt+Left click and drag to move the window.
Try this: Alt+Right click and drag to resize (by moving the nearest window corner)
Another move/resize tip: while you are moving or resizing a window, you can change the move/resize mode by pressing the SHIFT key."
Commande pour éteindre (power off)
The ConsoleKit commands in slacklock should work. (Someone please verify this.) However, there is a simpler way: use systemctl. For example, systemctl poweroff issues an immediate power off. Systemd will check authorizations in much the same way ConsoleKit checks them on my system.